Welcome to 6th and 7th Grade MATH!!!

I am a proud native Texan and have been married to a native Texan for 26 years.  We have a son and daughter-in-law who live in Bellaire, a daughter in Charleston, South Carolina, and a daughter finishing up nursing school at the University of St. Thomas in Houston.  I love to travel across the country and around the world and love sharing my time with your students.

Please join Remind 101 (join to receive text or email messages for reminders about upcoming tests, assignments, etc.)



1. Supplies – Your child needs to bring the following with him/her EVERY DAY:

  1. Math binder (2") with 4 dividers [1. Notes, 2. HW, 3. STAAR/Reference, 4. Notebook Paper].

  2. Sharpened or mechanical pencils and erasers. All classwork, homework, and tests MUST be done in PENCIL.

  3. Colored pencils.

  4. Red or ANY other colored pen (EXCEPT blue, gray, or black) for grading.

2. Homework – Your student will have math homework almost every day. Math takes practice just like any skill—music, sports, etc. I want students to apply and practice what we learn in class. Homework assignments will not be very long, and often, they will have time to work on this during class or during ACTIVITY period. 

*Assignments including lecture videos are posted daily in Google Classroom.  Students may access work online should they forget their materials at school.  Students may also access classwork this way on days when they have to miss school.*

3. Late work – I will accept late work with points off. The highest your student can receive on any late assignment is a 70. Not completing homework or not bringing it to class equates to not following instructions or being prepared (not being responsible) and will be met with disciplinary action.

4. Online book and resources are available at my.hrw.com.  Your child's login information can be found in Google Classroom.

5. QR Codes – Textbooks have QR codes with every lesson. These will play tutorial videos that are quite useful, especially when students miss class. You will need to download a QR reader app in order to use QR codes with most phones. 

6. Tardies - Students are expected to be in class and ready to work when the bell rings.  Arriving to class late is neither responsible nor respectful, and each tardy will be treated as a Level 1 offence.  A student receiving 4 Level 1 offences will spend time in ISS.

Rachel Matthys

Rachel Matthys

Welcome to 6th and 7th Grade MATH!!!

My Schedule

1st Math 6th Grade (7:50-8:42)
2nd Conference (8:50-9:37)
3rd Math 6th Grade (9:45-10:32)
4th Math 7th Grade (10:40-11:27)


5th Math 7th Grade (12:10-1:00)
6th Math 6th Grade  (1:04-1:54)
7th Math 7th Grade (1:58-2:48)
8th ACTIVITY PERIOD 6th Grade (2:52-3:30) 


Monday and Tuesday mornings (7:30-7:50)

Monday and Tuesday afternoons (3:40-4:00)

*Please complete the Google Form to sign up for Tutorials at least 24 hours prior to the scheduled time so that I know who to expect and when. https://forms.gle/bu5Ng5JXV9UXhBUM9